Peer Review

I think that, in the beginning of the year, I had a good idea of what a solid peer editing comment was, and as the year went on, my strength for that only increased and I only got better. I did my best to try and hit nearly all parts of an essay, rather than trying to focus on one paragraph or one idea. I tried to work down, add a comment in the intro, paragraphs, and conclusion, so that way each piece of an essay could have something said about it. I tried to give compliments as much as possible when looking at peoples papers, because while peer editing is certainly meant to point out what needs improvement and what can be done better, etc, it is nice to be reminded, as the writer, what you have done right. I know that I did plenty of those comments and as a writer I would appreciate the same. I would also pick out key writing components when writing, examples like using abbreviations, state your claim more clearly, etc., as a whole trying to be specific so that the writer knows what needs to be done. I tried to focus, when giving comments, on areas of need that were discussed in class. For example, if we had a class that focused heavily on the introduction piece of an essay, I tried to be helpful and examine that more heavily to remind them of what to work on.
