Draft Conclusion, Project 3

In summary and examination of the three narratives looked at, they all cleary fit an outsider perspective, in social settings, with reading, and with writing. They are all similar in that they take place in the years around elementary school, two out of the three of them use sponsors to progress them in their literacy learnings and as people, and only one remains in the same outsider’s perspective that they started in. In my examining of the literacy narratives, I found that there are many similarities between the narratives, and outsiders seem to have plenty in common when looking at questions of what setting, why, how does it change, etc. and another thing to consider when reading is that I always held a sense of truth to them. I never felt as though they were fabricating, especially in a story like Blake or Natalie’s, as there is not much room to lie or exaggerate in those stories. As a whole, while rare and having clear and distinct differences, these outsider literacy narratives had many, glaring and obvious similarities. As a limitation, because they are so unique and special, it is hard to compare narratives to other narrative arcs in terms of outsider narratives. Finding narratives that I could compare them too would be a helpful next step in understanding the writing process. 


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